The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

This amendment states and notifies people that there are other rights that doe exists from ones that are mentioned more explicitly, and even though these hidden laws are not listed does not mean that they are to be violated because they are laws and rights given to the people. In other words, doesn't mean its not listed doesn't been its not a law or right, sometimes you have to read between the lines.

Image result for 9th amendment

This picture was interesting and shows that even though something doesn't directly say something doesn't mean you can't do it. This was a great example of the 9th amendment in my opinion.


  1. This picture was interesting and shows that even though something doesn't directly say something doesn't mean you can't do it. This was a great example of the 9th amendment in my opinion.


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