2nd media posts

2nd media post for 1-12 amendments (had absolutely no idea we had to do two until now)

1st amendment:

Image result for 1st amendment imagesI  chose this picture because it was cute and shows all of our rights as Americans!

2nd amendment:
Image result for 2nd amendment images
I chose this picture because it pretty much symbolizes the 2nd amendment with the gun as the right to bear arms.

3rd amendment:
:Image result for 3rd amendment images
this picture symbolizes the amendment straightforward of soliders not going into someone's home.

4th amendment:
Image result for 3rd amendment images
I chose this image because of the irony in it. The fourth amendment is stating that you cannot carry out any searches or seizures and they are doing this now.

5th amendment:

Related image

This image was kind of funny, the fifth amendment is in all honesty the right to not say anything pretty much!.

6th amendment:
Image result for 6th amendment images

This was also a funny image too because this amendment states you have the right to a speedy trial but he tells the man to hang tight, stating its going to take a while for the trial to get started.

7th amendment:Image result for 7th amendment images

This picture basically states what the amendment it, I thought it was a great addiction to add the 20.00 as the picture.

8th amendment:
Image result for 8th amendment images

I chose this because of the irony how it says we don't torture but, the representative is torturing someone. It kind of is telling the truth of the government.

9th amendment:
This symbolizes the rights we have as a being an American citizens!

Image result for 9th amendment images

10th amendment:
Image result for 10th  amendment imagesI chose this picture because it shows that all the states have rights!

11th amendment:
Image result for 11th amendment imagesI chose this image because it has a great explanation of what the 11th amendment is through stick figure form. It shows that you can't sue a state if you are not in that state.

12th amendment:
Image result for 12th amendment images
This picture seems just like a cute way to get people to understand this amendment with short facts.


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