"No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law."

What this amendment explains that military men and women cannot enter any United States citizens home no matter the circumstances. This law is a bit strange for a lot of us in the modern United Sates but, this was a hug issue when it was the later 1700s. Soldiers were aloud to go into anyone's house spend the night and eat the owners food! This law was quite important to those citizens because who wants someone coming and going as they please? However, our men and women who serve this country should be able to have a home or residence after times of war are over.

This was a funny picture because for one I remember this episode and it also shows that to dismiss one problem you can dismiss another, if we didn't have war there wouldn't be a need for the third amendment! However, its not just that simple.

Image result for third amendment cartoon pictures
Looks like this little girl knows her amendments! This picture got my attention because this is literally how it was for the citizens in the United States during that time except there was a point when they couldn't deny the soldiers a place it was against the law.


  1. 1. This was a funny picture because for one I remember this episode and it also shows that to dismiss one problem you can dismiss another, if we didn't have war there wouldn't be a need for the third amendment! However, its not just that simple.

    2. Looks like this little girl knows her amendments! This picture got my attention because this is literally how it was for the citizens in the United States during that time except there was a point when they couldn't deny the soldiers a place it was against the law.


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