The Preamble and all of its Glory!

Preamble to the United States Constitution

"We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union establish Justice, insure domestic, Tranquility, provide for common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain establish this Constitution for the United States of America." 

What the Preamble means to Me?

First and foremost the first words that begins the preamble is, "We the People" what this means to me is how significant we the people are. It almost gives a sense of entitlement to the people and that are opinions do matter and how we have to come together and make things better for all. The rest of the preamble informs us that to become a better country we need to improve on making things fair for others and equal, to be honest with one another and anything going on in our country, get along, and try and live a nice life and create it for kids, parents, and those after us. The preamble is also stating that we need to create a list of rules and promises for our government to enforce and that we the people need to keep and obey. 

This video describes our Founding Fathers getting together to make The Preamble and what the meaning as well at what it talks about along with the rest of the constitution!
    Comment: I chose this video because I thought it was a cute outlook on the basis of our Constitution in song form with silly animations! I also saw this video back in middle school, this drew my attention!




  1. I chose this video because I thought it was a cute outlook on the basis of our Constitution in song form with silly animations! I also saw this video back in middle school, this drew my attention!


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