Amendment II :)

"A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

This amendment is for citizens to help protect themselves and their property. However, this amendment is somewhat sensitive to American citizens and the thoughts on gun control, there have been several debates on gun control and opinions that have started a lot of controversy but, in my opinion guns do of course need to be regulated but, its going to be hard to do so because, there is a problem of illegal guns in the United States. I feel this law is important because everyone should have the right to defend themselves its just the problem of those who use guns for unnecessary harm to others.

Image result for bear arms amendment

I choice this picture because it was very patriotic, it shows our national bird the eagle, our flag, and a cool band in the eagles mouth of our 2nd amendment. Can't get more patriotic than this!


  1. I choice this picture because it was very patriotic, it shows our national bird the eagle, our flag, and a cool band in the eagles mouth of our 2nd amendment. Can't get more patriotic than this!


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